“Today, the society is unnecessarily broken up into so called cultures, religions, sects etc. It can regain its unity through scientific Vaidik culture. Only Vaidik tradition is capable of uniting them. All should be aware that the ancient world was truly Vaidik (i.e. enlightened). This tradition of enlightenment can be re-established in the world; and this is the aim of ‘Vaidik Vishwa’. Vaidik culture is liberal and it believes in tremendous capacity of every human being and does not enforce its principles upon others.” – Yogiraj Manohar Harkare (Kakaji)
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Rampatra Rampatra is the preface / foreword written to the book ‘Ramayan Rahasya’



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  • Bhagvat geeta

  • Vedic

  • Kundlani

  • Bhagvat geeta

  • Vedic

  • Kundlani

  • Bhagvat geeta