Founder - Yogi Manohar

Precious Thoughts of Yogiraj Manohar Harkare
  • Humanity lies in love and philanthropy.
  • To worship a spiritual guide is worshipping his principles, and not him as a person.
  • A person himself should get uplifted instead of declining. His good deeds would transform him into a divine soul.
  • Heaven and hell are good and bad states of human mind.
  • Body is just a means to perform Karma. It doesn’t indicate a person.
  • A sacrifice (Yadnya) means a good deed performed with gratification.
  • A soul is a spark of the supreme element. By growing its span a soul can reach supremacy.
  • By performing Karma without passion one can attain the highest state spirituality.
  • Tranquility/serenity, forgiveness and sacrifice, these virtues are essential for spirituality.
  • The wars in Ramayan & Mahabharat are not historical events; they represent a fight of tendencies in the mind of a ‘sadhaka’.
  • Self-control is the source of spirituality. Yog Sadhana is necessary for the stability of mind.
  • A devotee of god is also a yogi, as he is constantly attached to divinity/god.
  • The state of Samadhi (profound meditation) is the highest stage of spiritual progress or Sadhana.
  • Good deeds lead to perfection.
  • If a dying person simply thinks of his godly and spiritual Guru, he would suffer less.
  • Hinduism is neither a caste nor a religion; it is a grand tradition.
  • The scriptures written by our sages contain great scientific theories which should be grasped today.
  • Today, the society is unnecessarily broken up into so called cultures, religions, sects etc. It can regain its unity through scientific Vaidik culture. Only Vaidik tradition is capable of uniting them .
  • Knowledge can not be gained merely by reading books or listening to the lectures. It can be acquired only by meditation and yog-sadhana.
  • We should understand that Ramayana and Mahabharata are not only for Hindus but for all. These contain scientific descriptions of knowledge and genuine experiences achieved through yog-sadhana.
  • All should be aware that the ancient world was truly Vaidik.(i.e. enlightened) This tradition of enlightenment can be re-established in the world; and this is the aim of ‘Vaidik Vishwa’